Natalie for Belvidere City Council-Ward 2
Natalie Mulhall and her husband Tim have called Belvidere "home" for 23 years. They have raised their 5 sons in Ward 2 and have enjoyed all that Belvidere has to offer. Natalie not only lives in Belvidere but also works in the community as a real estate broker. Working in Belvidere in this capacity gives her a unique insight into what people are looking for from a community.
Natalie has been an active and engaged member of the community for many years. Currently, Natalie is the treasurer for the Belvidere Board of Realtors, she serves as an election judge for Belvidere Precinct 6, she is Vice Chairman of the City of Belvidere Planning and Zoning Commission, the Vice Chairman of Boone County Regional Planning Commission, and is a commissioner on the Boone County Agricultural Easement and Farmland Protection Commission. Natalie is a supporter of Habitat for Humanity of Boone County and hopes to become even more involved in their worthwhile mission. Natalie’s volunteerism and past experiences have also included serving on the Belvidere Historic Preservation Commission and being a member of VIPS- Volunteers in Police Service for the Belvidere Police Department. Being a part of that organization was instrumental in her growing support of our local Police, Sheriff and Fire Departments. She has volunteered for numerous community organizations over the years and has found a lot of joy in meeting members of her community through these opportunities.
Natalie has a great passion for her community and personal civic responsibility.
Natalie would like to help shape the vibrant future of Belvidere by collaborating with community leaders and citizens to promote smart growth in this wonderful city! Natalie believes that making a difference should start right in your own back yard at a grassroots level. She is excited to continue her involvement in the community and hopes to represent Ward 2 on the Belvidere City Council in 2021.