nabs Kili Climb 2023






nabs Kili Climb 2023!

My daughter Allie and I will be climbing  Kilimanjaro in 2023 for 3 important reasons: 1) To experience it together - it is on both of our bucket lists; 2) To be in Africa, a place we both love; and most importantly 3) To raise money for nabs and the hundreds of people in our industry who rely on nabs' help because they have had to face a tragic critical illness, prolonged unemployment, housing eviction, or other challenging life events. 

For more on nabs, see below.

In nabs' 40 year history, we’ve climbed a lot of mountains for clients and with clients - often with their families.  nabs shows up, assembles a circle of care and provides a beacon of light when things seem impossible.

Our dynamic and impactful programming and services have been lifesaving.

After 40 years, you would think nabs would be tired of all the mountain climbing.  On the contrary, we are just beginning.  Our passion for the industry and our community knows no bounds and now we have recruited 20 climbers from every market we serve in Canada, to climb WITH US, and raise the funds needed to sustain and build the next best version of nabs.  Here’s to nabs next 40! 

Support our climbers here …. And help us raise $150,000 to inform our next 40!! 

Donor Wall 72

Joe & Laurissa Canavan | C$500

Simone Lumsden | C$100

What an incredible adventure for the two of you to share - it will be a thirlling experience no doubt.

Peri Luel | C$100

Nicoletta McDonald | C$100

Michelle & Ralph | C$500

So proud of you Brett and Allie!! Praying for safety and fun on this incredible adventure. Can't wait to hear all about it!!

Roula Poon Tip | C$400

So proud of you guys, can't wait to hear all about it. Safe journey xoxo

Louis Duchesne | C$200

Shane Marchand | C$100

Best of luck!!!!

Eric Menzies | C$100

Andrew Bergstrom | C$100

Vincent | C$500

Good luck with the climb. Dress warmly. 😀

Carolyn Meacher

Andrea Ogunbadejo | C$150

Good luck Brett and Allie!

Sharon Rustin | C$100

Wonderful cause and adventure, enjoy!

Glen hunt | C$100

Happy climbing and happy times, together! And remember ... it's not a race! (Until the last 100 yards and then you smoke him Allie;)

Sheryl Macdonald | C$100

Joe & Cat Jackman | C$100

Zainul | C$200

Congratulations Brett & Allie! Wishing you all the best for an amazing journey!

Chris | C$100

Brett, your taking father and daughter outings to a higher level that's hard to compete with. Soph and I, and the rest of the Fraser clan, wish you and Allie a memorable and safe trip to Kilmajaro.

Rachelle Claveau | C$100

Joseph Leon | C$250

All the best, Brett and Allie!

Gord Cook | C$250

Lindsay Hill


Christy Teasdale | C$50

Chandor Gauthier | C$200

mike Evans | C$100

Enjoy and break in those boots!


You are wonderful to do this. Reach for the sky!

Pierre | C$250

Great cause Brett! And one of a lifetime experience with your daughter Allie. Soyez prudent!

Gord O'Reilly | C$100