My Gift to Almine

Your gift supports Almine directly.

Gifts to Almine are non-tax deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall 350

Dhani | $104.15

Tallulah Bleu | $31.46

Thank you Beloved Almine and thank you team OO for all your dedication.

Jane | $93.77

So many blessings... fullness is beyond generous.... Summer is here..

ellen sayer

Tallulah Bleu | $26.27

eternally grateful for you, Beloved Almine.

Joel | $34

This is with great humility that I am sending this small donation to the Serer for all She has been doing for us, for humanity


With so much love 💕

brenda benner | $30

This is a gift from Ciara and Brenda

Hanna Will Wolski | $104.15

Thank You for all your gifts. With gratitude and love, always.


Deep love to you Almine ❤️

Anna Hedegaard

Thank You Almine from Helge and Anna, Copenhagen


With infinite gratitude and love for all that you are to us, dear Almine



Sergey Snezhko | $88

Jane | $98.96

Apple blossom season is here! Wishing you beautiful days of pink and white petals and buzzing bees. A scented orchard is a lovely place to sing and play. I love you and welcome you to my sanctuary.

Lori | $111

With all my infinite love and gratitude, THANK YOU! Love, Lori

ellen sayer


With loving gratitude for your eternal gifts

Kathleen Frances | $100

My heart is so filled with gratitude for your being in my life🌹Blessings always, Kathleen Frances

Lynette Ruest | $206

In eternal gratitude for you!


Thank You....


Deep appreciation, love and support to you, dearest Almine

Denise O'Regan | $104.15/M

Thank you Beloved Almine, Love, Praise and Gratitude for the blessing of you


Much love, respect and appreciation to all that you do for us.

Jane | $86

It is a beautiful experience. Fragrant and magical. So much love.


With utmost gratitude, love & respect to you dearest Almine.

Lynette Ruest | $272.38

thank you for the gift of yourself to all upon Earth and for the gift of your teachings.

Marina Wozniakowski | $26.27/M

With Deep Gratitude and Trust I raise my Hope ray like teach you us. Be point zero empty stillness and let Eternity be Present. As much Love as always. You mean a Lot to me Almine.

Ruth Peterson | $176.84/M

Honored to share our bountiful blessings with Almine

Nina | $50
