My Gift to Almine

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Gifts to Almine are non-tax deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

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Olu | $42.37

Dear Almine, Thanks for your immeasurable support, and the countless blessings you shower us with. With much love and gratitude, Olu

AliAmma Joy Clarkeson

A treasure, a joy, a love, a source of eternal awarenesses, a blessing, a harmonious dance with the cosmos, a song.... Blessings upon blessings to you Almine, Lovingly Ali Amma Joy

Kathleen | $100

Merry Christmas Almine filled with Joy and Love and Celebration for your Sacred Presence on our Beloved Earth🌟🎄♥️

Dhani | $57.42

Merry Christmas dearest Almine. All my love on this new awakening of the Earth. May we unfold peace with grace and tranquility this holiday season in rising up the Earth and all beings on our beloved planet.

Lynette | $156.07

jana Cimermanova | $150

With gratitude in my heart thank you for all you do.

Lynette | $88.58

thank you for showing me the gift of Life

Tamera | $52.23/M

Precious Sister, I love you dearly and in deep gratitude I rejoice in your presence.

Tatiana | $15.89

Dhani | $57.42

With gratitude for your presence in my life and love and affection always. May we unfold graceful change on this Earth together.

Kathleen Frances | $100

Happy Thanksgiving Beloved Almine💛🌻🌽💝

Olu | $14.33

Much love and gratitude to you, my dear Almine. Thanks for your enduring love and support.

SonjaJean Craig | $52.23

Blessed Thanksgiving Beloved Almine

Lynette | $75.08

Thank you for your love and guidance on this journey.

Sonja Jean Craig | $100

Always and forever beloved Almine.

Lynette | $52.23

Corrien Machielse | $52.23

Dear Almine Gratitude for ever and ever that you gave us the gift off the nanotechnology sigil it fills my heart with gladness . Gratitude for all the sigils you have gave us to stand in sovereinity its from my heart to your heart . Love prays grattitude trust and hope. Corrien

Jane | $52.23

A little token of my gratitude, love and praise to you. It is so nice to sit here and be with you. In your good company I sing a colourful Autumn song Of yet lively woodlands Multicoloured leafy canopies dancing and shining Bright against the pale sky All the nooks and crannies of the wood Still warm from the Summer sun Great riches of hue and substance Treasure of nut and berry on show Pink and crimson Gold and black as night Mushrooms dun and bright A deep palette showcased by bursts of sunshine and gusts of wind Seed pods held aloft on dried out stems chime in and sing along As fairies small and bold Flit to and fro All the creatures of the wood Jive and jitter to showcase The great store of goodness and faith which Mother has made To see us through the dark season It is a beautiful game to play A hide and seek within the boundless heart of Mother

Andrey Burenok | $999

Love and miss you ❤️🙏🏻

Tatyana Knyazeva | $10.70/M

Благодарю за помощь и любовь🌸 я вас люблю

Dhani | $132.19

Happiest of UN - birthdays to you Almine!! Hope you enjoy a day full of innocence and fun with boundless joy!! With gratitude, love and affection for all the marvellous, wondrous things you do!!

Marina | $26.27

Thank you so much for everything you do for us and all your care about us. I made some money on selling my handcrafted shampoo and lotions and want to share with you my Beloved Almine. My Deep Gratitude and Love

Laura | $10.70

Enorme gratitud y admiracion, bendiciones para Amine y todo su equipo.

Sonja Jean Craig | $104.15

Thank you beloved Almine.

Amber Smith | $50

All my love to you Almine 💗

Tatiana | $11.73

with deep Gratitude to the Seer Almine

Sonja Jean Craig | $100

Please accept this with much love, respect and blessings. 🙏


Thank you for all you all do! I was in a drought but had a windfall. I wanted to share as a token of my appreciation. I found Almine in 2000 and my life was changed. I'm so grateful to be a part of her light family. Beverly

Dhani N | $57.42

With love and mighty grace.

Hugh | $52.23

I Love You Almine , thank you for everything