My Gift to Almine

Your gift supports Almine directly.

Gifts to Almine are non-tax deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.


Olu | $40.81

Thanks Almine for everything, and for the blessings you sent with your note of gratitude that came in by email. I received some unexpected funds within hours of that, and I'm sure that's only the tip of the iceberg! With much love, praise, gratitude and trust, Olu

Qi-Qing | $104.15

Dear Almine, really miss you. Thank you for your life-uplifting messages that We receive from the OO and Cutting-edge websites.

Sonja Jean Craig | $104.15

With deep reverence and respect 🌹

Joel | $31.46

Connie Herkenhoff | $104.15

I love you Almine

Dhani | $57.42

With love and affection. May you enjoy well being and enduring lovelyness.

Olu | $8.31

Dear Almine, this is my tithe from the unexpected increases I've had recently. Thanks for your continued love and blessings. With deep gratitude, Olu

Joel | $26.27

Sonja Jean Craig | $104.15

Love and Blessings beautiful Almine ❤️

Dhani N | $48.08

SonjaJean | $104.15

Love always beautiful Almine 🌹

Tallulah Bleu | $52.23

I live and appreciate you, Beloved Almine.

Else | $104.15

Dearest Almine, apart from my monthly donation I would like to send you some holiday-money. I hope you will enjoy a beautiful summer. Thank You for shining Your Grace into my life, each day I find it to be a Miracle to be part of your Sacred Journey. Finding You again is the most fortunate event that ever happened to me, and I am grateful for this every day.

Dhani | $57.42

With love and affection on this Mother's Day. Hope you are enjoying a fun and loving day with your family. :)

Lynette | $253.69

Sonja Jean Craig | $104.15

🌹Thank you for being 5he wind beneath my wings 🧚‍♀️


Deep love praise gratitude Trust Hope and faith. In Reverence to you

Dhani | $57.42

May you find joy in your endeavours all the day long and peaceful slumber and repose in the night time.


Thank you so very much for your sacred gifts to humanity.

Monika | $114.54

Dear Almine, eternal gratitude for everything you do for us! I love you very much❤️

Joel | $31.46

Lynette | $226.41

Joanna | $50

Dearest Almine, I am so grateful beyond words. Love to you. Thank you.

Dhani | $48.08

With love and fulfillment or promises.

SonjaJean Craig | $104.15

May this small token enhance your beautiful existence with love ❤️

Anonymous | $104.15

Eternal gratitude for your presence

tallulah bleu | $104.15

All my love Beloved Almine.


Lynette Ruest | $183

Dhani N | $57.42

With all my heart, love always.