My Gift to Almine

Your gift supports Almine directly.

Gifts to Almine are non-tax deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.


Dhani N | $57.57

Most beloved Almine, Happiest New Year my dear. May this amount multiply a thousand fold in your bank account!

Betty | $208.28

Marina | $78.40

Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 Almine Beloved Miracle Holy Mother With deep gratitude in my heart ❤️

Rich Hawken | $31.55

Merry Christmas Almine. Thank you for all the work that you do.

Sonja Jean | $104.39

Wishing you all the joys and blessings of the Season. ❤️Love you.

Ksenia | $52.37

Thank you Almine, for the unspeakable gift of the Fragrance Oils, and for the free Power Sigils, and for so much more. 💛

Marina Wozniakowski | $156.34

Happy Thanksgiving Beloved Almine. I am so Grateful for you and your love for us 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kathleen Johnson | $100

With Love and Gratitude

Kathleen Johnson | $102.62

With deep love and gratitude

Kathleen Johnson | $153.93

Ruth | $520.87

A Holiday gift

Kathleen Johnson | $25.65

Joanne Harding

Marina | $156.48

Sonja Jean Craig | $104.39

Kathleen Johnson | $128.53

Olu | $31.55

Thanks, Almine, for everything ❤️

Kathleen Johnson | $125.25

Joyous Love and Blessings

Marina | $187.50

Thank you 🙏🏻

Sonja Jean Craig | $104.39

Thank you Beautiful.

Kathleen | $156.48

With Deep Love and Gratitude💖🌹

Kathleen Johnson | $21.13

Through the Lion’s Gate

Kathleen | $104.42

Eternal Love and Gratitude✨💖

Sonja Jean | $104.39

Thank you Almine for the beauty and love that you embody. You touch all aspects of my life. ❤️

Kathleen Johnson | $104.42

My deepest blessings of Love and Gratitude💝🌹

Sonja Jean | $104.39

Thank you beautiful Almine. I love you.

Kathleen Johnson | $26.34

For Friday’s Event

Richard Hawken | $52.37

Happy Summer Solstice Almine.

Sonja Jean | $104.39

Thank you Almine. 💝

Kathleen | $109.03

My deepest Love Always Beloved Almine♥️