Monthly Pledge to Masjid Vaughan
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,
" The most beloved acts to Allah are those that are consistent
–even if they be small "
We invite you to join our growing community to help sustain Masjid Vaughan on a day-to-day basis. Your regular support will go along way –even if it be humble!
Your kind donation will help with:
- Islamic mortgage payments
- Heating
- Water
- Electricity
- Communications
- Technology
- Maintenance
- Landscaping
- Snow removal
- Hosting Supplies
- Janaza Supplies
- Custodial Supplies
- Repairs & Renovations
A tax receipt will also be issued for your donations.
Allah reward you!
Masjid Vaughan is a community project of Risalah Foundation
Canadian Registered Charity No. 809028954RR0001
This campaign started:
Wednesday April 4, 2023 | Ramadan 14, 1444