Musician Appreciation Concert

Make your gift today to the 7th annual Musician Appreciation Concert, our annual benefit for the musicians of the SPCO. 

All contributions will go directly to the musicians of the SPCO in recognition of the passion and artistry they share with our community.

The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, EIN 41-0829498.

Donor Wall 20

Bridget Ryan | $26.27

Anna Azrelyan

Gaius Poehler | $31.46

Thank You!


Sherry and Michael Spence

With our appreciation of your artistry and the beauty it adds to our lives.

Cynthia and Michael Manns | $208

Sue Mahle | $104.15

Anonymous | $104.15

Thank you for enriching our lives!

Daryl Skobba | $104.15

Stuart | $52.23

Thank you for what you do.

Barbara | $52.23

Your concerts bring me so much listening pleasure. Amazing artistry and lovely programming. I tell everyone I know to go to your concerts! Thank you!

Diane Dahl | $104.15

I so appreciate your concerts, the variety, the informative discussions, and the absolutely stellar quality of the performances. Thank you.

Julia Heinen

Karen Leaman

Freya Richman

I’ve been at your entire season for many years, now. The SPCO is world class! Your programming and your innovative artistic collaborations are truly inspiring. May you go from strength to strength!

Jeffrey Lin | $104.15

Thank you musicians! Sorry I can’t be at the concert.

Victor de Meireles

Thank you for your incredible dedication and musicianship that makes the SPCO the premier musician-led orchestra in the US. We are so lucky to have this wonderful organization in the Twin Cities!

Marja | $200


I so appreciate the dedicated musicians in the SPCO. You are the reason I continue to come to concerts and listen on line. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

John Brock