Mukti Love Website
The Practice of Generosity (Dana)
Dana is an ancient Pali word meaning generosity, giving or gift. It is directly related to the Latin word “donum” and through it to such English words as donor, donate and donation. Dana is intrinsic to the 2500-year-old Buddhist tradition. Going back to the days of the Buddha, the teachings were considered priceless and thus offered freely, as a form of dana. The early teachers received help through voluntary generosity. Beyond this practical dimension, dana also plays a crucial role in the spiritual life. It is the first of the ten paramis, or qualities of character to be perfected in one's life time or life times.
When the Buddha gave a discourse to lay people, he would almost always begin with the importance and benefits of dana.
The act of giving itself is of immeasurable benefit to the giver for it opens up the heart, diminishes for a moment one's self-absorption, and places value on the well-being of others. The simple gesture of offering even a flower, a kind thought or a simple meal is in fact a sincere form of practice. The size or value of the gift is of almost no importance - the act of giving itself generates a thought moment devoid of greed and full of loving-kindness.
Keeping this old tradition alive, this page is based on the principle of generosity. Mukti has no set fees for her workshops and monetary donations are used to maintain and further develop projects for the benefit of our present and future generations.
What are you supporting?
The work of Mukti as an author, developing beautiful projects, such as the actual publishing and release of the book Inside the Rainbow, and future upcoming books and films on the Ubunto Series. Mukti's work is to share and inspire people, fruit of decades of experience, commitment and service to humankind.
Mukti lived in Nepal during eleven years in pure nature immersion, living in stone huts, bamboo huts, mud huts, and working above the clouds as a paragliding tandem pilot and doing expeditions into remote areas; Mukti was also travelling and studying yoga and ancient wisdom in India, afterwards living for three years in a raw food community in the Philipiness, where many awakenings took place.
By practicing Dana you will be helping and supporting Mukti to develop creative projects in the form of books and films, and to share and spread love and wisdom with more and more people around the world .