




Thank you for helping us fight back as we are being subjected to egregious lawfare by associates of the U.S. pResident. Given Marco Polo's 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, your contribution to our legal defense fund is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. law; our EIN is 92-2605979.

Please watch this background video about the lawsuits brought by Hunter Biden and his corrupt bankroller against Marco Polo: youtube.com/watch?v=a6nAMIiilyE 

You can get updates at our website: marcopolo501c3.org

Donor Wall334

Mike | $52.37

Good to hear you on Conservative Daily today. Hope you have a role in the next administration.

Empower Foundation | $333

James | $104.42

Debra | $104.42

Maggie | $250

Joey Laske | $200

Denis Daly | $50

Lois Hart | $520.87

Diane Kimsal | $312.65

Joe B | $57.57

Thanks for stopping by and giving your time. All the best and God bless

Mark Skulstad | $104.42

Lela Karayanni | $100

Sofia Skarpalezos | $100

Ferdinand | $100

Wendell Elento | $26.34

Thank you for all you do!

Rocky Atkinson | $520.87

Expose them all! I’m grateful for all the effort and sacrifice your whole team has done thus far, keep the faith. May God get all the glory!


Thank you for searching the truth. Very few credible sources.

Gloria Bryan | $104.42

Keep up the good fight!

George | $25/M

Joyce Graves | $104.42

This book is a MUST-HAVE! The meeting last night in Franklin, TN was superb and we all learned so much. I cannot imagine all the time and effort that you and your team invested in this book to find all the details that you chronicled so well in this excellent book about all the decades of crime and the immensely tangled web of deceit and crime by this mafia family that is now giving away and destroying OUR country! So please, everybody be as generous as you can with your contributions here. WAKE UP, AMERICA! WE HAVE THE EMENY IN CHARGE!!! You are doing a wonderful and vital service for not only for America but also for the whole world. He is the reason the whole world is on fire today! The reason they are after you: The TRUTH is their worst enemy! Keep up the good work! As I told you last night, beef up your security, stay safe, and our prayers are with you. GOD bless you, your team, and all of yours!!!

Justin Haucke | $104.42

Ruby | $104.42

Enjoyed your presentation in TN!

Roger Mashburn | $50

May God keep and compass you about with songs of deliverance.

Rachael | $31.55

May God bless you for your dedication to the truth.

David | $21.13

Daniel Collins | $20.64

Retired with limited income wish I could donate much more. dob

WILLIAM | $520.87


Anonymous | $20

Carrie Lee | $80.48

Remember to thank God everyone!, because He is who will bring us over the finish line. Thank you Garrett for your courage and those who have helped you— God bless you all!

Alec | $260.59

You are doing the work of the First Amendment. I am making a contribution before Government overreach gets so bad that I might be scared to. That terrifies me.