




Thank you for helping us fight back as we are being subjected to egregious lawfare by associates of the U.S. pResident. Given Marco Polo's 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, your contribution to our legal defense fund is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. law; our EIN is 92-2605979.

Please watch this background video about the lawsuits brought by Hunter Biden and his corrupt bankroller against Marco Polo: youtube.com/watch?v=a6nAMIiilyE 

You can get updates at our website: marcopolo501c3.org

Donor Wall301

Gyendolyn | $260.59

Praising God for your work on behalf of all citizens of The USA.

Debi | $104.42


Thank you for exposing these criminals!

Anthony Catalina | $104.42

Garrett, thanks for doing this important work that should have been done by our Republic AGs. Keep up the fight against the Biden crooks. We are behind you.


Nick Ippolito | $26.34

Stephen | $100

Heard you on Charlie Kirk’s podcast! Keep up the good fight!

Therese | $36.75

Never Give Up!! May God multiply all these gifts and surround you with His favor!

Jillian | $52.37

God Bless

Marvin Mathiak | $100

Don't let the fasicsts win!!

Robyn | $100

Mike | $100

Thank you so much for what you are doing. Heard you on Charlie Kirk Podcast. Didn't know about you before then.

Michael | $52.37

I saw your interview on newsmax. I had no idea about your organization before this. You need to get it out there so more people can donate and support your legal fight. It's not fair that you're being sued.

benjamin bernstein | $260.59

Heard you on Charlie’s podcast Keep up the good fight! Next onto Warroom!

Steven | $26.34

We need to stand up to the Washington elite who manipulate the American people by cover-ups and lies. The media plays a big part in the blame.

Anonymous | $10.72

This "lawfare" thing is disgusting ! Good luck, Garret. Sorry I can only afford just a few bucks. Hope it helps !

Cara | $17

Thank you for all your doing for our country. 🇺🇸

Ell Adams | $10.72

Bradley | $26.34

We've been praying for God to expose all this corruption. You are an answer to our prayers LORD protect everyone involved in this struggle and bring down the wicked!

Mike Hammond | $50

God bless you Garret, and God bless America and "we the people"

Craig | $21.13

Great work-don't give up!


Wish it could be more!


Michael Kenoyer | $1,041.44

Agatha | $1,041.44

Garrett, you know you're over the target when the regime tries to destroy you simply for publishing Hunter's actual and legitimately acquired laptop. The revelations are devastating to Joey and his ilk and they will do everything they can to stop you. I pray for God's protection for you, your family and your researchers. And I pray for your success in fighting this evil family!

Agatha | $1,041.44

Garrett, you know you're over the target when the regime tries to destroy you simply for publishing Hunter's actual and legitimately acquired laptop. The revelations are devastating to Joey and his ilk and they will do everything they can to stop you. I pray for God's protection for you, your family and your researchers. And I pray for your success in fighting this evil family!

Nichole | $52.37

This is good v. evil. Praying you, the good, wins over evil

Wendi Strauch Mahoney | $50

Thank you Garrett! Wendi

Janice Funderburk | $52.37

Following since day one, praying for Garrett, his family, and the team daily. NCblonde704

Thomas Coates | $35.01

Never surrender, you're a real American Hero.