




Thank you for helping us fight back as we are being subjected to egregious lawfare by associates of the U.S. pResident. Given Marco Polo's 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, your contribution to our legal defense fund is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by U.S. law; our EIN is 92-2605979.

Please watch this background video about the lawsuits brought by Hunter Biden and his corrupt bankroller against Marco Polo: youtube.com/watch?v=a6nAMIiilyE 

You can get updates at our website: marcopolo501c3.org

Donor Wall 335

Enrique | $2,082.56

Keep up the good work!


Every time you’re on Robert’s podcast, I must donate

Lois Hart | $104.42

Dennis Littlefield | $104.42

Keep up the great work patriots!

Regina | $26.34

Thank you for getting everything out there EARLY. Blows me away that people STILL don't believe it. Keep up the good fight and continue to be the great husband and father that you are.

Cailen | $26.34

Micaela | $25

Justin Haucke | $104.42

Anne | $52.37

GZ for president!

Carole Levesque | $100

Have been following Garrett since 2020. He and MarcoPolo have opened my eyes to the Biden crime family. During the 2020 election, I just knew Trump would win because of what I knew. But not many people knew because of the massive censorship. I have told everyone I know about marcopolousa.org to let them read for themselves.

Kelly Klostermeyer | $75

Cody Fowler

May the Lord continue to keep a hedge of protection around and bless you always.

Gloria Bryan | $104.42

Good luck in meeting th $10,000 goal!

Agatha | $256.54

Garret, You are a brave young man... standing up for truth and transparency in the face of such evil and corruption. I pray for your success in this unfair lawfare!

Jane | $260.59

I wish I could do more but please know I’ve been with you since the beginning of your journey / exposure/ fight. You and your team are American patriots!

Kent | $21.13/M

I stand with your efforts Garrett and have been a fan of yours ever since you got dismissed from the Biden administration because they didnt want a straight shooter like you in their tribe.

Delores | $520.87

Eileen | $10


John Y | $520.87

Thank you for your hard work, courage and love of our country.

June | $613

My sincere appreciation for the honesty and integrity your work represents.

angela | $52.37

Thank you Garrett & team for everything you’ve done and continue to do for our country. May God bless & protect you and your families.

Colette Murphy | $52.37

Dear Garrett, keep up the good fight! Could you please unblock me from the group chat? I am not sure why I was blocked, but enjoyed reading the comments!

Jennie Thiry | $21.13

Thank you

Scott Melton | $100

Garrett thank you! You are so sharp, smart, hardworking, and a patriot that has produced a monumental and historic prosecutorial blueprint and a journalism masterpiece of the crime and corruption within government on our planet. None more horrific than ours in the USA. You, your team and all of your families, I pray for God’s Blessing and Protection. I hope Trump has a nice position in his Admin for you, because you deserve every good thing that I know is coming your way. God Bless!

karen | $25

Keep up the Good fight!!

Robert | $10.72

Bannon said hunter will be pardoned , but I hope to live long enough to see G in the seat of the main office

Michele | $45.47

Thank you Garret. You have made all the difference in this election cycle. May God Bless you and the Marco Polo Team for giving life to the “conspiracy”.

Tish Hall | $10

Eric | $26.34

Great on Conservative Daily. Long time Telegram follower. I wish I could donate through PayPal😆