Mourning Our Losses






Building a space to honor and remember those who died while living or working in prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mourning Our Losses is a crowd-sourced memorial at, built to honor the lives of people who have died under detention in the United States during the Covid-19 pandemic. We also seek to honor those working in prisons who have been lost to us. Mourning Our Losses seeks to restore dignity to the faces and stories behind the statistics of death and illness from inside. We believe that when any life ends without mourning, all human life is cheapened; yet amid a global health crisis, few will think to mourn those held in legalized confinement. We are united in our effort to honor our fallen brothers and sisters by telling their stories and sharing some of the little pieces of the joy they brought to this world. We offer a place for grief, healing, community, and reflection for all those touched by this preventable tragedy.

Donations will be used to support the work and mission of this project, including covering technical costs, training and coordination of volunteers, postage costs associated with outreach, etc. Any remaining funds raised will be used to advance our mission to restore dignity to the faces and stories behind the statistics of death and illness from inside as well as to bring awareness to the urgent need for immediate and permanent decarceration.

If you have questions about donation or want more information about how your donation will be used, please contact

Donations are processed through our nonprofit partner, the Texas After Violence Project, a 501(c)3 based in Austin, Texas.

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Rob | $52.23