Mount Washington Avalanche Center

Your donation will be earmarked for support of the Mount Washington Avalanche Center.

Mount Washington Avalanche Center is a partnership between the Friends of Tuckerman Ravine, the Mount Washington Avalanche Education Foundation, the Mount Washington Volunteer Ski Patrol and the U.S. Forest Service. This website is owned and maintained by the Friends of Tuckerman Ravine.

Donor Wall37

Jon Tierney | $25

Jon Tierney | $25

Jon Tierney | $25

Jon Tierney | $25

Laurie and

Paula and Brian Collins | $104.15

Tom and Suzanne Freitas | $104.15

Candace Morrison | $100

Torey | $119

As part of Fundraising

Aaron Rice | $50

Zachary | $250


If you don't go, you won't know.

Torey | $94

Thank you for all you do and the resources you provide! Q2 Support Crew & Donations

Adam | $104.15

MWAC does so much to keep the winter mountaineering community safe. I did my first HoJo/Sherb skin this past winter and look forward to diving in more, and hope that any recreational users of the Rockpile will do their part to support forecasting and emergency services!

Jeremy Allen

Thank you for keeping us safe!


Thank you for all you do; hopefully we will never need your services,

John Ramsden | $50

Philip | $500

Just read about another heli rescue similar to mine two years ago and am reminded of the wonderful job everyone up there does.

Jonathan Shefftz | $218

In memory of my fellow ski patroller Peter Tague, and in honor of all of us patrollers who responded to the incident that tragic day this season.

Robert Means | $10.70

Chris | $52.23

Thanks for all the work you do!

Robby McAlpine | $104.15

Thank you all for the education you provided through daily forecasting and workshops. It’s been much appreciated. Looking forward to next year!

Ted Grzesik | $52.23

Thanks to all the people that make our experience in and around Tuckerman's safer

Justin | $21.08

Thanks for all you do

Carson Houle | $20



Thank you for all you do to help keep us backcountry skiers safe!

Melinda | $25

bryon miller | $50

Jonathan | $21.08