Moms Next Door Needs a Storage Unit!
Moms Next Door is bursting at the seams! We love all the donations we have been getting, but have reached storage capacity. Last week, we actually had to start refusing donations due to space issues. Currently, all of our inventory is stored at Board members Kelli and Tara's houses. To give you an idea of what we are talking about, here is what Kelli's family room and dining room currently look like:
Now don't get us wrong, we're not complaining! We love being able to help local moms with their family needs. It is an honor, for sure. What we need is a bigger space so we can collect even more inventory for these mamas!
We found a great locally owned storage center who will give us a discount if we prepay for 6-12 months. That's where YOU come in! The funds raised from this particular campaign will go directly to acquiring storage space to house what you see in those photos above. From $5 to $500, every tax-deductible donation helps!
If we reach $200, we can pay for 2 months of storage (with their 2-month special pricing). $650 will give us 6 months of storage. $1300 gives us 12 months of storage. Our goal is to prepay for 12 months!!
We appreciate you helping Moms Next Door reach our goal!