Mobile IV Nurses - Nurse Amy

Raffles for Arizona Residents only.

Mobile IV Nurses is a mobile intravenous (IV) therapy company that provides IV therapy services, under physician medical direction, at your home, business, or at a specified location of your choice.

This raffle item was donated by Nurse Amy at Mobile IV Nurses.

Performance + Package a $300 value.

Nurse Amy


The raffle you are entering is for One (1) Performance + Package a $300 value. 

Drawing will take place April 28th and the winner will be notified by email and receive their certificate entitling them to their Mobile IV Nurses Performance + Package, administered by Nurse Amy. 

All appointments must be booked through Nurse Amy at 602-330-9361

Arizona's Children Coalition is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 83-4161137. This donation is for a raffle item. Item valued at $300.