




FACTOR 2020 brings together the leading researchers, clinicians, surgeons, patient families and OsteoWarriors (survivors, patients and siblings of OsteoWarriors and OsteoAngels)
together to Make It Better for those battling this disease. This work belongs to all of us.


Through a collaborative with all interested parties on advancing treatments and improving outcomes for patients with osteosarcoma, specifically:

  • Significantly improve osteosarcoma awareness and patient outcomes through collaborative disease management approach, clinical trials and dedicated osteosarcoma research.
  • Brainstorm on challenges and come up with collaborative solutions to fast track improvements for osteosarcoma.
  • Create a symbiotic bridge between the osteosarcoma medical and patient community to overcome challenges and create solutions.
  • Evaluate funding needs for research and provide awareness for worthy initiatives and funding solutions.
  • A dedicated forum to review progress on an annual basis on various osteosarcoma disease management initiatives.

OsteoWarriors HQ

The OsteoWarriors HQ is designed to bring kids and young adults who have a connection to osteosarcoma together and Agents, It. Is. Awesome! It is also complimentary. HQ activities are designed for kids under 21, but all Warriors are welcome to come check it out. OsteoWarrior HQ is for:

  • Warriors in treatment for osteosarcoma
  • Survivors of osteosarcoma
  • Siblings of OsteoWarriors
  • Siblings of OsteoAngels

Connecting the kids who have lost limbs, friends and siblings to osteosarcoma is one of the most important things we do.  To put the hospital behind them for a few days and connect with other kids from across the country who have been through the same thing they have is really special.

The OsteoWarriors HQ is entirely complimentary, with thanks to the generosity of the Jeffries family.

The Mission of M.I.B. Agents is to Make It Better for children with osteosarcoma, bone cancer.  With love and hope, M.I.B. Agents: 

  1. Pairs a child in treatment with a survivor of their same cancer including through MiB Gamer Agents.
  2. Provides items of comfort and entertainment (iPads, iTunes Cards, Noise Cancelling Headphones) for their treatment and recovery
  3. Arranges end-of-life experiences and/or comfort items for the child when options for treatment have been exhausted and they are on home hospice care.
  4. Raises funds and awareness to increase research for better treatments and outcomes for those with osteosarcoma, including through the only osteosarcoma research conference, FACTOR and through our annual $100,000 funding initiative, OutSmarting Osteosarcoma.  

M.I.B. Agents makes it better by helping to increase the quality of comfort and life for kids with osteosarcoma with the help of our community of dedicated and passionate Agents.  We are committed to Making it Better for adolescents and young adults with bone cancer (osteosarcoma).  Your donation has a profound and direct effect on our missions.  

A receipt will be provided for your taxes. If you prefer to mail a check:

Payable To:

MIB Agents (please include "FACTOR" in the memo line)
PO Box 858

Barnard, VT 05031

Thank you for using your powers for good to Make It Better for kids with osteosarcoma.

FED ID #81-1109906

MIB Agents is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 81-1109906. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
MIB Agents is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 81-1109906. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
MIB Agents is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 81-1109906. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.