Backstage Group (April 2019- March 2024)
As a registered non profit organisation (charity), we heavily depend on financial and other in-kind contributions from the Metapraxis Backstage Group (our supporting group of private donors). This campaign is an opening for you to become part of our journey! Consider the following when you're making up your mind:
(If offering support-in-kind, or indeed volunteering, seems more appropriate for you, please contact us at - there are only so many ways you can help us, and …every little helps!)
Monday Morning Coffee
£10 ≈ 4 cups of coffee [1 cup of coffee per week for a month]
WHAT IF 12 contributors contributed £10 OR 1 supporter offered £10/month for a year || TOTAL: £120
At this level you would cover around 80% of the fee for an additional staff (i.e. photographer, engineer, stage manager) OR the making/printing costs of marketing material/programmes/etc.
Occasional Coffee
£20 ≈ 8 cups of coffee - [2 cups of coffee per week for a month]
WHAT IF 12 contributors contributed £20 OR 1 sponsor offered £20/month for a year || TOTAL: £240
At this level you would cover the fee/event for one of our musicians.
The Coffee Run
£50 ≈ 20 cups of coffee - [5 cups of coffee per week for a month]
WHAT IF 12 contributors contributed £50 OR 1 benefactor offered £50/month for a year || TOTAL: £600
At this level you would cover the hiring cost of a venue, and (part of) the fee for our marketing officer.
Coffee Addict
£70 ≈ 28 cups of coffee - [7 cups of coffee per week for a month]
WHAT IF 12 contributors contributed £70 OR 1 patron offered £70/month for a year || TOTAL: £840
At this level you would cover the commission fee for a collaborator (i.e. a composer writing a new piece , a videographer creating multimedia elements, a designer constructing a puppet).