Donate to Hanzi

Without donations, Hanzi cannot work full-time writing his magnum opus, the six-volume series on metamodernism.

The full series consists of:

  • The Listening Society: A Metamodern Guide to Politics, Book One (done! … and version 2.0 in the pipeline)
  • Nordic Ideology: A Metamodern Guide to Politics, Book Two (done!)
  • The 6 Hidden Patterns of History: A Metamodern Guide to World History
  • Outcompeting Capitalism: A Metamodern Guide to the Economy
  • Fractal Ethics: A Metamodern Guide to Ethics
  • Against the Law: A Metamodern Guide to Legal Theory

Every penny speeds up the process of finishing these books, of new metamodern theory reaching you and your network and impacting the world.

With enough support, Hanzi can even expand his project to cover topics such as metamodern gender theory, metamodern spirituality and self-development, and metaphysics.

We need new maps of the world and our place in it – and Hanzi Freinacht works day and night to provide it.

He studies.

He converses with prominent thinkers, sometimes on podcasts.

He thinks, meditates, and contemplates.

He takes long walks, alone in the Alps, thoughts soaring.

He negates sleep, his mind wrapped around excruciating and delicate dilemmas.

He wrestles emotional and existential demons.

He carries the crushing load of cognitive complexity – applied across disciplines.


Sometimes, however, Hanzi eats and sleeps like the rest of us. Money goes to food, rent and acquiring much-needed literature.

If you think that rogue scholars on the edge of respectability (perhaps, even, the edge of sanity) have a vital role to play in steering the world right in these troubled times – or if you just find Hanzi’s playful struggle amusing – this donation channel is for you.

Give strategically, and long-term, and you will be non-linearly rewarded.

And surprised.

Perhaps even entertained.