Support Merwin Memorial Free Clinic for Animals

We all know of people who have found themselves in difficult circumstances and can use some help.  How many people delay going to the doctor’s, because they can’t afford to even walk in the door?  In providing your support, you’ll be preserving and sharing a treasure in our midst, and continuing a tradition of neighborly caring that began more than 78 years ago.

“No animal should have to suffer pain because its owner is financially unable to provide the medical help it sorely needs.” -Harriet G. Bird, Founder

Thank you for your support!

We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 04-2121362. All contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for this contribution.

Donor Wall83

Frank Corvino | $50

In memory of Abbey The Crabby Tabby 1994-2007. Gone but never forgotten


Coco | $59


We thank you for your ongoing love and service to animals!!

Benjamin | $59

You helped our cat when we were underemployed

Jay Halim | $168


Ms. Melton for Mittens This is for the appreciation for your service.

Angela Papierski

Donation in memory of Sally Rée Papierski

Marcy Frankel | $50

The work the Merwin Memorial donates is remarkable. I brought my pup back in the 70’s when I could not afford to pay a vet. I am forever thankful for your existence.

Tammie | $500

Barbara Jaehn

Libby Amero | $103


I'm grateful to have had the means to take care of my cat's medical needs. Thank you for making it possible for humans to care for our animal companions regardless of financial circumstances.

Jennifer Hurlebaus | $50

In memory of our beloved uncle, who taught us to love animals as family.

Nicole | $20

Thank you for the time and care you give to those in need.

Yaz Bruce | $25

Deborah Malia | $20

I just received a card in the post (thank you Betsy Gates) following a donation made by our friends in memory of my darling pet rabbit who sadly died 2 weeks ago. I’m so grateful for you taking the time to send me such a card. I’m truly touched. Please keep up the amazing work that you all do xoxo

ERIKA | $50

Shanee Reed | $20

Thank you

Akshaya Nataraj | $205

Our virtual community of yogis send all class proceeds to the MERWIN clinic this month. Thank you for your continued love and support of our furry friends during these uncertain times.

Maria M. Briseno | $20

Thank you for caring for animals in affordable fashion. From a mother of a student away from home.

Frank Corvino | $25

Giselle | $20/M

Benjamin | $59

Wonderful service for my cat when I could not afford a vet.

Kristin | $103

My friend and colleague Donna inspired me to give what I could to causes that moved me. Merwin is a wonderful organization.

Steven | $250

Hope this gift helps to continue the great work you do to serve the community...

john schneider

You cared for my dogs Anum and Daisy over many years. Thank you!



Ronnette Capehart

Didn't know what to expect when i showed up (my first time). The Care and the STAFF was outstanding