Maziwa Breastfeeding






Donate now to ensure that no mother has to make the impossible choice between breastfeeding her newborn baby and returning to work to support her family financially.

Maziwa is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3). No goods or services were received in return for this gift. Mailing Address: 3482 Glenprosen Court, San Jose, CA 95148 EIN: 84-4804829

Donor Wall 12

Frank Sasso | $100

Go Sahar!!

Harry Kraemer | $1,000

Hi Sahar, Thanks for all of the great work of you and your team! It was great interviewing you! Warm regards, Harry

Virginia Lee

Go Sahar!

Shirin | $100

Farah Zuberi | $45

Keep doing great things! So excited to keep following your journey. Thanks for helping us breastfeeding moms

Matthew Forti | $225

Keep up the great work, Sahar and team!

Marianne Jensby | $45


Don Meier | $100

Keep crushing Sahar and team!

Kayla Czajkowski

So proud of you and your amazing team, Sahar!

Maria Garpestad | $225

So inspired by what you’re building!
