We are closing in on the trip to Uganda, May 7-14! Thank you for partnering with us to see over 2,400 lives in Uganda impacted. We are so excited for this trip as we press into see lives radically changed. 

We need $6,000 to carry out the outreach while we are there. We will be doing so much while we are there - from loving children, visiting our single mothers/widows, to helping our local communities... the 3 major events we will be doing:

1. Women's Conference: It will be the first of its kind in the rural bush bush of Central Uganda. We will be speaking life over women, serving meals, praying for healing, and loving the least of these. It will be transformational in the lives of each woman who comes. The bulk of the budget for this conference is spent safely transporting these women as many are coming from far off remote villages. Their safety is so important to us.

2. Bucket Challenge: We will be taking over 100 buckets filled with life essentials door to door in a remote far off village - it is a very dark and full of witchcraft. These buckets will be filled with the Holy Spirit and household needs like bread, sugar, rice etc. We know these buckets will be the gateway for LIFE for so many. 

3. Women's Prison: We are going to be able to love, minister, and provide soap/sandals to women prisoners and their children. It is a huge honor to be allowed into the prisons. We cannot wait to love these women and their kids.