The Wisdom Seat Retreat Fund for Matt DiRodio's 3 Year Retreat
Matt DiRodio's 3 Year Retreat at Sopa Choling
As many of you know, Matt DiRodio offers his spiritual commitment, cheerful friendship & sage advice - his time and his wisdom - to many, many people - many of us. And as Matt enters the 1st year of his 3 year retreat, we would like to acknowledge his friendship and support him both spiritually and financially.
Matt at a recent Vows ceremony.
Matt will be entering in August 2024 at Sopa Choling, returning to teach and guide us in late spring 2025.
Sopa Choling
During this first year, we will miss him at The Wisdom Seat.
Matt with Ringo Tulku Rinpoche
So, we invite you to support Matt in his retreat by making a donation to The Wisdom Seat retreat fund. No contribution is too small or too large.
No contribution is too small or too large.
Donor Wall 9
Joanna Rotté | $108
Fred de Long
With love, I wish you fruition of your efforts.
Audrey Streltzer | $100
Sending so much care.
lisa kassak weiss
Thank you for all you do!
Wishing you happiness + health on your journey. Travel well.
Lisa Kraus | $108
Nancy Van
Thank you Matt:)
Susan and Bill Wagner
May your practice bring benefit to numberless sentient beings...