MATES in Mining

MATES in Mining is a charity based on the successful MATES in Construction program established by the construction industry to reduce the high level of suicide among Australian construction workers.

The MATES Program operates in the construction, mining and energy industries and provides mental health awareness and suicide prevention programs in Queensland, New South Wales, Western Australia and South Australia.

MATES in Mining is here to support the mining industry. 

However, we can only do this with your support. 

Each day EIGHT Australians die by suicide. 

Six of those eight are men.  Men working in blue-collar occupations are of the highest risk of suicide.

This is why we need to work together to change this statistic – every suicide is one suicide too many.

MATES in Mining (MATES in Construction AUST Ltd) is approved as a tax deductible gift recipient by the Australian Taxation Office. Unconditional gifts or donations are tax deductible.