Marco Polo

Donor Wall333

Nancy | $104.15

Modern day David vs Goliath. We are with you and may God Bless You!

Bianca | $50

Thank you so much! The truth needs to come out for the entire public to see. Godspeed!

John Lamenzo | $10.70

I have just completed a thorough read of your opus magnus...absolutely incredible piece of reporting...MarcoPolo deserves the Pulitzer for this investigative, my research via facial photo analysis, says that in the past 2.5 years, a highly skilled actor or actors have been impersonating LGB...are you looking into this? ...because if you aren't you are missing a major opportunity...go for it!

Suzanne Rei | $26.27

Stacey | $52.23

Thank you ALL for your dedication to this project. Prayers for your protection.

Louise Hulien | $50

Petra Holm | $26.27

Wonderful work you are doing. Thank you for all your hard work. God bless you all and keep you safe.

Arnold | $10.70

Many are called but only a few are chosen! Garrett you and your team at Marco Polo have been chosen to do this work at this time in our nation's history! May God continue to bless you and your families!

Arnold | $26.27

Michael Keith | $104.15

Let me know if you need any assistance. I am a licensed attorney living in Vietnam.

Janet | $21.08

God bless you. Let's get these SOBs and take our country back.

Rosie Richardson | $52.23

Your all HERO's for the American people to have the courage to expose evil and corruption around the world. Excellent work!

Jonathan | $52.23

Wowsers. A friend of mine sent me a link to your site. I have watched the death of objective journalism over the last 20 years. What you are doing is not "Muck-raking," but searching out substantive facts and presenting them objectively. I am over 60 years old, disabled, but working. It would be great if more folks knew about this. I wish you all the best. God bless.

Andy Keefner | $26.27

Some meal money for the road GZ


My family (Wife and two children under two) and I are very thankful for all your hard work! I've been following the progress of the report for a while now via Telegram. I appreciate your dedication to this important subject. I, myself a new father, believe this is a necessary matter for our sons and daughters in the future, when they read about this time period down the line. May God bless you and your family. You have this families willing support now and in the future!

john | $500

Keep up the good work! fight with corruption!

Anonymous | $104.15


Garrett and team will surely go down in history as some of the greatest America Patriots of our time. The work they have done should make any so called journalists hide their faces in shame. They know that we all know now that they are Fake News and shills for the deep state and the attempt to destroy our country. Thanks Garrett for leading this fight and putting your life on the line to expose these traitors.


So pleased to support you from New Zealand in your bid to reclaim your Democracy from the Dollarcracy it has become. Sadly your nation has become so corrupted that it hangs by a thread on the precipice of complete submission and surrender on the altar of evil. I wish you well … kia kaha PJT

Randy Jenkins | $52.23

Proud to support your patriotic team's efforts to wake up the masses. Good luck, and God bless!


Thank you so very much for the Mammoth project and extensive effort you embarked upon, to expose this Truth. May this extensive corruption be remembered so Freedom will ring for all time.

Sherie | $52.23

Proud to throw some support your way. This documentary must be written, thank you. What has occurred and is happening now should be encapsulated for future historians to judge.

Nicholas McCormic | $26.27

Jeff | $104.15

Praise the Lord, Thank you for helping out waking up the Sheepeople. Truly, truly we All need to help our brothers and sisters who remain asleep.

Wendy | $17.96

Please keep working hard for our country! Thank you for everything you do!

Jennifer | $104.15

Thank you!!! Your courage and hard work is very much appreciated.

Jason Krosecz

Wish I could donate more! Will continue to donate when budget allows.

Gloria Bryan | $104.15


Thanks for all your hard work Garrett and team! Keep exposing the truth.

Gloria Bryan | $104.15

I appreciate all the hard work this team of Patriots is doing for our Country