




This year for #GivingTuesday, Concrete Jungle needs our help! 

Concrete Jungle (CJ) is the only organization utilizing the freely available fruit growing on trees around the city, to provide sustenance and nutrition to food-insecure communities. With the help of volunteers, CJ has mapped 4,200+ fruit trees in Atlanta and Athens. Without CJ’s intervention, much of this fruit would naturally go to waste – rotting on sidewalks and in fields. So CJ works to reduce food waste, while increasing fresh food access. 

Now CJ’s fruit tree map needs a little TLC. This tool is essential for sourcing the freshest produce for Atlanta's food-insecure residents. CJ staff use it every day to plan fruit picks. And the public can use it too, to learn more about what’s growing in our city. 

It would mean a lot to me if my friends and family would make a small gift this GivingTuesday to support Concrete Jungle’s work in the community! With our help, Concrete Jungle will be able to update the fruit map and get fresh food to more people.