Our mission at Maman is to provide mother-like support to families and individuals in our community and beyond experiencing a challenging time.
We believe no one should ever feel alone and our goal is to bring light and hope to those who need it. Maman offers hands-on assistance as well as emotional and practical support to help these families through their hardship. We show up with Mama-bear fierceness and motherly tenderness.
Maman is 100% volunteer and community based.
Donor Wall 33
Xaviaer DuRousseau | $600
Praying for healing every day <3
Sherlin | $26
Kiana Kohan | $100
Phil Bleich | $50
Dalia Melamed
Chazak Baruch
Lorri | $100
Janette Vartazarian | $500
Auna Simon | $400
Betty | $126
Pray for Israeli solders
Barbara Meister | $200
Susan | $50
Rick Matros | $2,000
Healing retreat
Elliott | $100
Brooke Turpin
Gady Gabrielzadeh | $1,000
Cindy Bond
Arthur Cohen | $360
Steven Rukhman
In honor of the Kay family
Jessica Asef
Hershel Strother | $250
Shahram Vahdat | $226
Jessica Hekmat | $300
Manouchehr Benjy | $500
John Schooler | $2,000
Sherlin Dav | $26
Rebecca Alkon | $50
Jill Rubach | $180
Gillian Garrett | $3,700
Thanks to all my friends who donated this with me in honor of my 50th birthday! Thank you for the incredible work you do! Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱💙
Gillian Garrett | $468
Thank you for this important work you do! I make this donation in memory of my beautiful mom! And in conjunction with my friends in honor of my birthday.