Making Home a Reality
Ruth's Refuge is the only organization in New York City dedicated to providing furniture and other household essentials for refugees and asylum-seekers. Refugees shouldn't have to choose between paying rent and having a bed to sleep in while they work to find employment, pay off debts and learn the customs of a new home. Partner resettlement agencies in the City have come to rely on Ruth's Refuge's work to make sure their clients don't have to make that choice.
You donation will help us provide beds and linens to sleep in, kitchen supplies to nourish families of all sizes and support expanding our capacity to assist families. Please help us continue to operate and continue to provide necessary home goods for our client families.
In this painful time, refugees are among our most vulnerable. Those who have been able to make it to the US face even greater challenges than usual, with little hope of stable employment or inability to work due to health concerns. Those who have been lucky enough to find housing now face a daunting challenge in meeting rent each month and getting food. Please help us make sure that a family does not have to decide between rent or food and having a bed to sleep on or pots and pans to cook with. The agencies we work with are strained to the max, using their emergency funds to help clients pay rent. Ruth’s Refuge stands ready to bridge the gap and make sure that the homes are safe and secure, containing the most essential items a family will need in their homes: beds, bedding, pots and pans, dishes and cleaning supplies.