Maddie's Place
Maddie’s Place exists to provide specialized care to infants suffering from Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and to provide non-judgmental, caring support for their mothers. By partnering with us financially, you bring us one step closer to providing high quality, holistic, attachment based medical and non-medical care for infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and their caregivers.
Donor Wall 52
Reggie & Barb Scott
Donna Muehleck | $100
In memory of Roger Reynolds
Inland Empire Nurses Association | $500
Bob & Amy | $100
Sending love and hope for your babies and families!
ELIZABETH Mattana | $1,000
Nicole Beitey | $20
Thank you for being a positive light in Spokane!
Jim & Charlotte Mansfield
Met Mark on your board at Northern Quest. So worthwhile, what you do!
I saw the post on Spokane QUARANTEAM, then I read a bit of your website. Thanks for doing what u do!
Tyson | $50/M
Thank you for showing the love of Christ to the least of these!!
MultiCare Health System | $1,050
This was donated by the MultiCare Pulse Imaging team. Our team made the choice and voted to donate their holiday fund to Maddie's Place. Thank you for what you do for our community.
Sweet Repeat Maternity & Kids LLC | $500
ELIZABETH Mattana | $1,000
Women Helping Women Fund | $500
Molly | $500
This donation is in honor of my mom, Janet Gill, who has always shown me unconditional love and support. I'm thankful that these babies will get to experience the same in your care.
Barb | $5,000
Good luck with the first clients! Sending all my best wishes and strong support for this VERY worthy cause. Thanks for all you do :)
Keith & Melissa Spencer
Sherri Vaz | $750
Sponsoring a room with Collin and Kassidy Cockrell. May God work miracles in this place.
Timothy Beckman | $500
We love Shaun & babies!
Brady Cass | $2,500/Q
I'm humbled by your determination - keep the focus and the dream will be come a reality!
Gary & Wendy Ayars | $1,000
What an amazing organization and mission! Our thanks to Shaun Cross for all of his hard work and keeping us informed.
Barb Brock | $5,000
I have been WAITING for you to open up and start saving babies and moms :) THANK YOU for your time, tenacity, tenderness, and many talents! Can't wait to get more involved soon.