Ma Ville Jardin Donations

We are a Global Non-Profit Association that has for a mission to incite a general eco-friendly & responsable attitude, contributing towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable world.

Our missions:

  • Incite a general eco-friendly attitude to achieve the ecologically and socially sustainable lifestyle
  • Defend ecologically and socially sustainable behavior/a lifestyle as cleanliness is not simply a result of hygiene and sanitation requirements, but also an important aspect of daily life, contributing to its social, economic, security and environmental aspects
  • Increase awareness of individuals, citizens, businesses and administrations based in Geneva to the importance of urban cleanliness and the waste recycling issues
  • Organize collective actions in order to encourage increasing participation of residents of the city
  • Promote each and everyone’s daily participation in the mission of making and keeping the city clean
  • Promote collaboration with foundations and associations that have a similar mission.