There are many ways to support the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum!
Annual Fund • Adopt-A-Spot • Lew Wallace Youth Academy • Endowment • Holiday Tea & Fashion Show • Taste of Montgomery County • Planned Giving • Gifts in Honor or Memory
For more information on how you can contribute to the preservation of this National Historic Landmark and Lew Wallace’s lasting legacy, contact the Museum at 765-362-5769 or make an online donation now!
Thank you for your support.
Donor Wall 10
Charles Spurgeon | $104.42
Gary Thompson | $100
It was great to visit the Library & Museum! --Gary & Liz Thompson
Scott Parker | $100
Franklin Moore | $100
Roger Adams | $103.83
Ella | $103.83
John Burt | $13.81
Just a small donation to thank Larry Paarlberg for his very much appreciated help yesterday. This is , I believe the equivelant of £10 English money. Thanks Larry. Best wishes to all at the museum.
James Collier
for wall restoration
Sam & Susie HILDEBRAND | $103.83/Y
Marilyn Smith | $26.19