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By clicking Donate, you authorise ANIMAL VICTORY to debit the bank account that you connect to for any amount owed for charges arising from your use of ANIMAL VICTORY’ services and/or purchase of products from ANIMAL VICTORY, pursuant to ANIMAL VICTORY’ website and terms, until this authorisation is revoked. You may amend or cancel this authorisation at any time by providing notice to ANIMAL VICTORY with 30 (thirty) days notice.
If you use ANIMAL VICTORY’ services or purchase additional products periodically pursuant to ANIMAL VICTORY’ terms, you authorise ANIMAL VICTORY to debit your bank account periodically. Payments that fall outside the regular debits authorised above will only be debited after your authorisation is obtained.
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Mur des donateurs77
Tracy Potter | $5.50
Sally Mitchell | $5.50
Save that baby and make sure the perpetrator is charged to the fullest extent of the law.
Jonnie Allert | $5.50
Judith Perlstein | $5.50
Sarah | £10.61
Please get the the dog rescued, and this sick individual prosecuted. Sarah, London, England.
Joyce Winterfeld | $21.08
Katrina | $52.23/M
BOB ELMORE | $5.50
Deb Becker | $10.70
Deana Rogers | $2.39
Tina | $10.70
Liz Hodson | $10.70
For justice for the dog that was tasered.
Marianne | $5.50
Brad Parker | $10.70
Lorraine Keshner | $10.70
Jean Furs | $2.39