Louise Shawkat Memorial Fund
Since our inception our mission has been to educate area residents about climate science and stimulate action to address the crisis. Louise Shawkat has been critical to SOCAN's success from the beginning. There is probably no SOCAN activity that has not benefitted from Louise’s energy, enthusiasm, and contribution. She attended our first meeting back in 2012 and has been a centerpiece of almost everything we have done since then. Louise was integral to the planning team that organized and orchestrated the 2015 Climate Summit and then became a charter member of the team that developed our Master Climate Protector - A Primer for Action course launched in 2017. For several years, she also taught two sessions in the course. Throughout her engagement in environmental issues, we must acknowledge that probably none of us has been as consistent in expressing and reminding us of the need to be concerned about the social justice elements of our efforts as Louise.
Donor Wall4
Estelle Voeller | $100
Elizabeth Olson | $50
Louise was a constant inspiration to me.
Dolores Scheelen | $50
In memory of Louise Shawkat and her hard work for our planet and all of us.