Our Mission: To bring cutting-edge neurological rehabilitation resources to Austin, TX.
Execution is everything: To ensure a sustainable nonprofit organization, Project Charley has forged relationships with strategic PARTNERS, identified an OPERATING PARTNER, and built an impactful ADVISORY BOARD.
We will tell incredible STORIES like Charley's and raise funds for equipment and other resources that will change many lives. Our first campaign is to fund the purchase of a LOKOMAT device. We're making great progress but need your help bringing the movement!
Donor Wall (63)
Nick Murphey | $1,000
Thank you Charley for bringing such an awesome rehab technology to the people of Central Texas. God Bless You and Your Family!
Travis Hicks | $200
Jeff Hardy
Charley, keep inspiring others - with your unwavering determination and indomitable spirit - to achieve their own goals! You inspire me and I look forward to meeting you in person.
Mark and Marci Dlutowski
We are so amazed by Charley's progress and the Sinclair Family's unwavering commitment, faith, and strength. Zach and Alex loved being preschool classmates with Charley -- and now, Alex is THRILLED that Charley's in his second grade classroom!!! We love getting updates from him on her!
Greg and debbie Grisamore | $1,000
Jason and Julie Borrelli | $2,500
So impressed with Charley's recovery and perseverance. Equally impressed with what Charley's family and friends are doing to help others recover from their TBI.
Cody Cook
Tom & Regina Wang | $1,000
It is so wonderful to see Charley's progress! We know Project Charley will help so many others!
Rob and Karen Luke | $500
Henry & Stacy Steinberg | $1,000
Happy to support such a great cause and am so impressed with Charley's determination and smile.
Wendy Hammond | $25
This is Miss Abby’s mom. She loves Charley so much!! Hope this helps 💜💜
Lindsay Daniel | $100
Happy to support you all!!!
Alice and Chris Gunter | $100
Rayenne Chen | $500
Darren Davey | $500
Ryan | $50
We wish Charley, your family and everyone the best on reaching the goal!
Tom and Ashley Washmon | $500
Andrew Gautreaux | $250
Gary Farmer | $2,500
Kathleen Nixon | $250
What an incredible machine! So excited for Charley! Love, Ned, Kathleen, Reed, & Colleen
Chris Munson | $1,000
Jack Weldon | $500
Dedra Blecha | $60
Jeff & Jaynie Vasden | $200
Kim Ohlson | $100
Steven & Jaime Stein | $100
Happy to contribute to a wonderful cause.
Ashley & Matt Richter | $500
Shannon and Barney, How wonderful to be able to give Charley this amazing technology right at home. We are so proud of all the progress she has made. We believe in her! What a blessing. Love, The Richter Family
Cristina Virgilio & Drew Schulz | $100
Honored to play a small role in helping Project Charley. Lots of love to Barney and his family.
Rachel Hairston | $100
Charley is a bright light an adorable child!!