Bringing the Light of Islam to Prisons
"They feed the needy, the orphan, and the prisoner for the love of Him (God)."
-Quran: Surah Al Insan (76:8)
Help us change the lives of 10,000 incarcerated Muslims across the country!
Islam is one of the fastest-growing and most popular faith-based programs in U.S. prisons (nearly 15%* of inmates are Muslim).
But support for incarcerated Muslims is severely neglected. Many of our "forgotten" brothers and sisters feel as they are not a part of our greater Muslim Ummah, despite learning and implementing their deen, just as any one of us in the free community. Help us change that by supporting the life-changing work we do behind prison walls.
While our services are only reaching less than one percent of the estimated 350,000 Muslims incarcerated in the United States, our NEED is to be able to address the overwhelming response from our incarcerated brothers and sisters. From there we plan on expanding inshAllah (God willing) and help more of our incarcerated Muslim community. We are receiving 200+ letters weekly requesting for religious material, courses, and spiritual help through our 1-on-1 mentorship service. We aim to raise a humble $50,000 to help provide materials and the infrastructure for our brothers and sisters.
Funding will cover Islamic educational material and books for inmates, mail correspondence, facilitating in-person prison visits (once visitation resumes) to incarcerated Muslims who rarely have visitors.
Since we began in 2010, we have accomplished the following:
- Donated +30,000 Islamic books
- Conducted 500+ prison visits
- Mailed out +13,000 prison letters
- Sent 1,000+ college-level Islamic studies and personal development courses
- Collaborated with best-selling author of "Secrets of Divine Love" to distribute 5,000 spiritual self-help courses
- Hosted over 50 tailored youth group events across Southern California institutions
- Facilitated housing, job placement, and community networking for re-entry members throughout the U.S.
- Provided the tools and resources to help over 3,000 individuals reconnect with their families
Our Story
Link Outside is a Muslim prison outreach organization that has been transforming lives across the United States since 2010. Our program is inspired by the transformation of civil rights leader Malcolm X, a former prisoner, who would become one of the most influential Americans in history.
Link Outside provides the following services:
- Access to college-level Islamic studies education and personal development courses (credit towards an Associate Degree)
- Prison visits
- Mail correspondence
- Transitional support upon release from prison
- Book donations
- Spiritual Development
- 1-on-1 Mentorship
- Community Integration
- Public Awareness
But the most important thing we do is offer HOPE to brothers and sisters that they can achieve greatness despite their circumstances. We believe that by reforming lives on the inside, men and women re-enter society as positive contributors (and even future leaders). That way, all of us benefit.
What one brother had to say...
“This program creates bonds and friendships that will make our transition into society easier. It creates strong ties with new Muslims and the communities they will be returning to. To invest in this program is like investing in the regeneration of the Muslim community."
–Raymond C., CA State Prison-Los Angeles County
"I’ve been locked up for 14 years and I never seen Muslims from the streets come here to make a change before. It gave me a foundation to build upon, when criminal thinking always seems up front in my mind, it’s been replaced with Allah in everything I do."
–Eric "Idrees", CA State Prison-Los Angeles County
Imam Zaid Shakir
"Let’s help them fulfill what I firmly believe is a fard kifaayah [communal obligation]: educating those multitudes of new Muslims. Link Outside is doing it on behalf of all of us, so our part is to support them financially and with our prayers."
Dr. Sheikh Omar Suleiman
"One of my life-changing experiences came from going to Angola prison. I want to particularly lend a strong endorsement to this organization: Link Outside. These are the types of projects that light my heart."
Mutah "Napolean" Beale
"It’s not about the past but about the ending. It’s important that all of us play a role. Don’t forget about the incarcerated Muslims. What you guys are doing is amazing."
Help Us
- Your support is an investment in the lives of thousands of Muslim inmates, their families, and their communities. Help us make a change in thousands of lives.
- The Qur'an specifically mentions rewards and blessings for those who support prisoners (76:8).
- Share our campaign with all your friends and family.
- Visit our website and follow us on social media.
- Pray (make dua) that we meet our goal!
Prison Testimonials
Photo: Actual prison letters and cards sent to Link Outside from Muslim inmates across the country.
"I am finally being sent home to re-enter society. Thank you for all your positive encouragement, kind words, and advice. Due to Link Outside, I have grown and it has brought me so much happiness."
–Sherri, Central CA Women's Facility
"You offered me something just as important as books and lessons, you've offered me correspondence, an actual connection to the outside Muslim world."
–Eliot "Ilyas", CTF-Soledad, CA
"The correspondence courses offered have inspired me to get my certificate and degree in Islamic studies. I'm so excited about my future in the community."
–Adrion "Mujahid", CA State Prison-Los Angeles County
"I’d like to let you know my heart was filled with love when I got your letter. I have been writing all the Islamic places and of all of them, you are the only one who wrote back.”
–Donald "Hasan", High Desert State Prison, CA
“This program creates bonds and friendships that will make our transition into society easier. It creates strong ties with new Muslims and the communities they will be returning to. To invest in this program is like investing in the regeneration of the Muslim community."
–Raymond C., CA State Prison-Los Angeles County
"A lot of brothers like myself are going back to the free world and by me changing, due to programs like this, I can uplift other young brothers from not making some of the choices I made."
–Reginald W., CA State Prison-Los Angeles County
“Link Outside and outreach program is a positive Islamic building that has touched my heart because it shows the true light of Islam by helping those in need of pure Islam and extends a hand to help pull us up.”
–Shondess "Saifullah", CA State Prison-Los Angeles County