Linking Help

698,27 €



50.000 €


Our mission at Linking Help is to create efficient connections between individuals in need and compassionate volunteers who are able to assist them. As a non-profit organization, we strive to make a positive impact on society by launching projects like UA.SUPPORT, which links Ukrainian refugees with legal aid. Our ultimate goal is to provide essential resources and support to those who need it most.

Linking Help is a charity organization founded by AgiLawyer with a mission to connect volunteer lawyers with individuals in countries where legal aid is typically scarce or unavailable, but where legal protection is urgently needed. Our belief is that by collaborating and utilizing technology to its fullest extent, lawyers can accomplish remarkable feats. Our focus is on leveraging technology to connect millions of individuals in need with millions of compassionate volunteers who can help them. At Linking Help, we are dedicated to empowering people and communities through the transformative power of technology. As a charity, our goal is to make a positive impact on society by providing essential resources and support to those who need it most.

Now, we are raising funds for UA.SUPPORT, a project that links help to refugees from Ukraine. Our goal is to not only continue supporting those in need from Ukraine but also to enhance our technology and processes to more rapidly respond to similar situations, such as the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.