Become a Friend
Your support will ensure that we are able to bring world-class chamber music to Leicester, support new commissions, and deliver an inspiring outreach programme for schools, students and the local community.
Friends of LIMF
* receive a regular email newsletter
* receive an invitation to special events, such as pre-concert talks and open rehearsals
* receive an invitation to a 'thank you' reception at the Festival
* are able to buy tickets ahead of public sale.
We are sincerely grateful for the generous ongoing support of our Friends.
We look forward to repaying your kindness with an abundance of wonderful music-making for us to share.
Donor Wall 5
Keith Baker | £20
Richard Bates | £50
Keep on rocking! Keep music live! Big musical hugs to you all!
Martin | £50/Y
Looking forward to the return of the lunchtime concerts!
Jennifer Macgregor | £45
Live music again will be such a treat
Sue Brooks | £25/Q