Lifers Incorporated SCI Phoenix
Lifers Incorporated (Lifers Inc.) is a Pennsylvania state registered nonprofit organization. Our base is located in SCI Phoenix, PO Box 244 Collegeville, PA 19426. The Lifers. Inc. website was created to give the men and weomen in Pennsylvania who are sentenced to a mandatory life sentence without-the-possibility-of-parole (LWOP) a voice, and to educate the public why there is a need for a principled system of parole eligibility of life sentences in Pennsylvania, on a case-by-case review. Our website is crucial to getting the work out about the plight of persons serving Death-by-Incarceration (DBI) i.e., Life-Without-the-Possibility-of-Parole (LWOP) sentence. Please consider donating any amount of funds to help pay the costs of maintaining the Lifers Inc. Website. THANK YOU!