We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization, EIN 27-2515162. All the contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution. Based on your giving designation your contribution will have priority in that area, however we reserve to right to use the contribution in other areas that may have a greater need for our organization. Thank you for giving and entrusting us to steward your funds wisely.
Donor Privacy: We have a strict no sharing policy. We will never share, give out, or sell your information as a donor. We only use this information to send you updates about our ministry and possible needs. Contact us to be removed from our mailing list.
Reoccurring Gifts: You can log-in to your donation account, which is emailed to you in a separate email anytime to edit, add or change your donation amount. You can cancel your reoccurring donation at anytime, but be aware we are unable to offer refund due to the urgent need of funds, typically the shelter and soup kitchen will have used them for daily needs towards the homeless families staying there. Thank you for understanding and supporting us.