




The Word of God in the language of the heart changes lives like nothing else on earth.

It was 2006. A young Islamic man, walking home in Sudan, found a scrap of paper that changed his life. In large Arabic print, the paper read, “God is Love,” followed by several Scripture verses.

He said:

Later that year, Samir fled war-torn Sudan for Ethiopia. He says, “The paper had vanished, but one night Jesus appeared to me, a very bright light, in a dream. He said he loved me. Nobody preached the gospel to me, but I knew that something inside me had changed. Later on, I surrendered my life to him.”

17,443 people groups inhabit our world. Almost half of them remain unreached by the gospel.

The Word of God in the heart language is the key to successful church planting, but traditional Bible translation methods cannot meet the demand. 

unfoldingWord equips local church networks to quickly, accurately, and inexpensively translate the Whole Bible for their Whole Nation.


I want others to have access to the Word of God because it is essential for the life of the world, because it shares the good news of God’s redemption, and essential for the life of the church to be complete and equipped for every good work.