




The Word of God in the language of the heart changes lives like nothing else on earth.

Nothing has changed my life more than God’s Word. Apart from it, I never would have known the gospel and expressed saving faith in Christ. God’s Word also contains God’s revealed will, so by it I am able to know what God wants and develop a worldview and way of life that pleases God. God’s Word also reveals much about who God is and what He does, which continually inspires me to worship Him with awe and thanks. Apart from God's Word, I would still be living for myself and headed on the path to eternal destruction, just like the millions of people who still don't have God's Word in their heart languages.

I want everyone to have access to God’s Word because it is not only vital for the proclamation of the gospel, but also for growth in the Christian life. How can anyone learn "the whole counsel of God" without having His very Word in his or her own language?

17,443 people groups inhabit our world. Almost half of them remain unreached by the gospel.

The Word of God in the heart language is the key to successful church planting, but traditional Bible translation methods cannot meet the demand. 

unfoldingWord equips local church networks to quickly, accurately, and inexpensively translate the Whole Bible for their Whole Nation.


The Word of God in the language of the heart changes lives like nothing else on earth. A generous financial partner has offered a two-for-one matching grant to help spread the Word, so we’ve set a goal to raise $100,000 by December 31st. If we raise $100,000, our partner will add $50,000! 

Will you join us and invest in the life-changing power of the Word of God?