2019 Lowry Hill Neighborhood Garage Sale
Our 3rd Annual LHNA Neighborhood Garage Sale!
Saturday, September 7, 2019
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Lowry Hill Neighborhood residents can participate with their own garage or yard sale. Participants will need to provide Name, Address, Email and Phone number. You'll be added to our garage sale map and list.
East Isles residents will also be doing a neighborhood garage sale so we hope to have lots of shoppers for you!
$10.00 Registration Fee covers all advertising, yard signs, and neighborhood maps of participating garage sales. Yard signs, maps, and advertising will be provided for those who register.
After the sale, DAV (Disabled American Veterans) will pick up unsold items, just check the box when you complete the sign up here. Pick up usually happens on Monday following the sale.
The event is sponsored by the Lowry Hill Neighborhood Association and the East Isles Resident Association
Questions? email us at garagesale@lowryhillneighborhood.org.