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Together, we can help children get ready, academically and socially, to go back to the classroom to learn, grow and reach their potential!

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Let's Go Back to School! AVSI-USA COVID-19 Education Fund

We are living a “COVID-19 education crisis” with 168 million children out of school for about a year, according to UNICEF. 

Access to distance learning is uneven, with huge disparities based on income and geography. We have seen that even in the best cases, distance learning is not the same as children attending school in-person, surrounded by peers and in direct relationships with teachers. Globally, parents struggled to fill the gap, and there is a well-founded fear that the most vulnerable children will not be able to catch up with their learning goals.

Now is the time to act and prepare children to go back to school. 

In Uganda, Lebanon, and Ecuador, AVSI and partners are already planning customized responses together with families and communities. 

With your help, we can provide an extra boost to this back-to-school effort, address learning loss, and allow children to begin to heal so that they can thrive.

From the 4th of July to Labor Day (September 6), we want to raise $15,000 to ensure that 500 kids get the support they need to get ready for school.

No amount is too small. Why not grab your friends and do something together (a lemonade stand or backyard movie...the idea is up to you!) to show that you care about children around the world. 

Special Note: the first $5,000 in donations that we receive will be matched, dollar to dollar, by a special friend. Donate today and see your contribution double!