Back to Basics is a grassroots group that was formed to get San José focused on issues like addressing homelessness, getting smarter on crime, cleaning up our city and creating housing our families can afford where it makes the most sense.


Our mission will be to take the founding principles of our original Revolution of Common Sense and work every day to turn them into better policies for San José.

We want San José to build enough safe and decent shelter for everyone living on our streets and then require everyone to come indoors.


We support the ongoing efforts to hire more police officers so we can be the safest big city in America again.


We want to lower the brutally high cost of housing by building housing where it makes sense, downtown and near well served transit.


And we want to support Mayor Matt Mahan – and every leader – who supports our core principles around making sure government is working smarter and staying focused on the basics.

Help us get San José back to basics by making a contribution today!