Let's Get Our City Warm Together 2023-2024
Cold weather is nearing fast and a warm place is scarce to locate for our inner city homeless! We are constantly finding individuals without the proper tools to minimize risks of hypothermia. Our team locates needy individuals and share the warmth through blankets, sleeping bags and tents. Your donation could be the essential piece that keeps our displaced comforted throughout the season. Anything you can spare will help! We also travel for pickups! We hope you feel encouraged to assist in our goal!
Did you catch our efforts in action? Check us out on 6ABC!! https://6abc.com/christmas-day-homeless-hungry/11386730/
Donor Wall6
Alexis | $15.93
Crystal | $20
Outterbridge & Son Logistics | $78.40
Anonymous | $52.37
Charlotte | $104.42
Sharing The Warmth
Abijah Immanuel | $104.42