Hi~! I'm Leon Stafford, open source developer of WP2Static and other static site tools. Thanks for your support!

Working on WP2Static and my other open source projects takes a bunch of time and energy. Writing code, helping users and maintaining websites takes a little bit of $ but mostly time. I do this fulltime because it's my passion.

I consider myself an artist, in that I'm creative, passionate, risk-taking and determined when working on a solution.

To keep all my projects free and in the public domain, I rely on the community to fund my full-time work on them.

Please contribute what you can as a once-off or recurring donation to keep the creative juices flowing!



Leon Stafford is a self-employed open source software developer, residing in Australia. For donors outside of Australia, please email me if you need an invoice. For those in Australia, I can supply an invoice upon request with GST and ABN number.