Leap Of Faith






Peace Everybody

I’m Marsha aka The Socaballerina 

I'm looking to embark on a journey to continue my Yoga Teacher Training in the jungle of Thailand!

After years of a self taught yoga practice, I started a wellness club on the foundation of my three favorite things, Yoga, Soca music, and Barre. I’ve been teaching part-time for the club in Brooklyn, New York and I love it! I’ve had some the most beautiful life changing experiences bridging the gaps between Soca music and mindful movement. Sharing my love for wellness and my culture is a feeling that I truly wish for each one of you reading along your own journeys in life.

Wukkin Up into 2019, I am determined to continue my education in the field of yoga teaching. I have my mind set on the more educated I am, the more I can offer my students. I started an obsessive research to find a 300 hour RYTT (registered yoga teacher training) programs right away! 

After a million failed attempts to finding a training that fits my goals, I was ready to give up and just focus some more on my self practice. In this, I stumbled upon a movement called GETLOVEDUP on instagram. 

They are advocates for Yoga , wellness and self love! It was just what I needed! After following them for sometime I came across an ad for Yoga Teaching Training In Thailand. 

Knowing that I can’t afford a training or yet alone a trip to Thailand. I decided to take a leap of faith and apply for the training away. I didn’t expect to get a response nor did I expect to in return get an offer for a scholarship! However, there were a series of events that led me to getting all of that and more! Now I am happy to say that I am now a part of the GETLOVEDUP team! 

The GETLOVEDUP Yoga Teacher Training that I wish to attend will be in the Vikasa Yoga Re­treat which is a transformational, inspiring, and life-changing experience and one of the most reputable places to learn and practice yoga in Thailand. 

This would be 22 days to consecutively learn more about Yoga, AcroYoga, The GETLOVEDUP lifestyle and the business of yoga from a whole new set of experienced teachers. When I explained my current financial stresses, as I know we all have--Getlovedup GENEROUSLY granted me a $1,500 scholarship towards my tuition to be in the December 2nd -  23rd class! I am forever grateful! 

See more details here : GETLOVEDUP

Even with all these amazing doors opening, the price tag of this experience is a little scary and very intimidating for a woman with a start up business and a part-time job. 

$4,000 is the norm! And I understand the value of this experience & how it will truly further my career, however, my current income from teaching is JUST ENOUGH to support me in NYC with little room to maintain a tangible savings.

December 5th, 2018 is my 24th birthday. I couldn't think of a better way to ring in 24 than being in the jungle with what will become a new family learning more about my passion and my life's work.

I will be creating a 21 day vlog of my experience in Thailand to be featured on my IGTV! Follow me @_martian_madness to see all the exciting experiences!