[ACTIVATE NOW] DCDP Leadership Council
Thank you for your service to Dallas County residents. Your commitment to our community serves as an example of true Democratic leadership, and Leadership Council members will receive a unique 2021 Leadership Council pin as thanks for your participation. The design is pictured in the logo above. Your pin will be mailed on receipt of payment and your name will be added to our Leadership Council page.
Our annual membership drive is your chance to give back to the party and invest in our important goals for 2021 including: community outreach, voter registration, political watchdog work and building stronger precincts.
****If you'd like to setup monthly or quarterly payments, please contact Carol Donovan at CarolDonovanDemocraticChair@Gmail.com****
$3000 a year - Gold
-Four tickets to every DCDP event
-Listed sponsor at DCDP fundraising events
-Host or emcee one DCDP event
-Listed sponsor at three CEC meetings on stage or via graphic or video online
-Listed sponsor at three DCDP field events
-Meet our Reps - featured elected official on two postcard outreaches to precinct chairs
-Meet our Reps - via social - featured elected official on two quarterly online spotlights
$1500 a year - Silver
-Two tickets to every DCDP event
-Listed sponsor at DCDP fundraising events
-Listed sponsor at two CEC meetings on stage or via graphic or video online
-Listed co-sponsor at two DCDP field events
-Meet our Reps - featured elected official on one postcard outreach to precinct chairs
-Meet our Reps - via social - featured elected official on one quarterly online spotlight
$750 a year - Bronze
-One ticket to every DCDP event
-Listed sponsor at DCDP fundraising events
-Listed sponsor at one CEC meeting on stage or via graphic or video online
-Listed co-sponsor at one DCDP field event
-Meet our Reps - featured elected official in two texted outreaches to precinct chairs
-Meet our Reps - via social - featured elected official on one quarterly online spotlight