Support St. John Connectivity

We're so proud of all that we've done over the past year to build and deliver disaster-ready connectivity and support St. John. We couldn't have done it without the generous support of our community on island and off. To date we have spent around 250k to build a commercial grade network valued at 1.2 Million Dollars. Talk about cost effective!

Four days after Irma, LCCN set up WiFi hotspots in the BMV lot and outside of Ronnie’s pizza so survivors could communicate with loved ones and avoid perilous overcrowding on the third floor balcony. Next, LCCN turned its attention to connecting Chelsea Drugstore to St Thomas so residents could refill life saving prescriptions and 32 days post landfall, LCCN proudly began broadcasting in Coral Bay, an area still unserved by the commercial service providers. With your support, we have been able to re-connect schools, businesses and homes on our under served island and contribute to the economic recovery of St John.  

To continue our mission we need to continue to ask for financial support. Please consider making a monthly gift to support our biggest projects: provide connectivity to 100% of St John by installing more equipment that will serve Adrian, Estate Mandahl, John’s Folly and the VIERS research facility and finally developing our technology into rapidly deployable off-grid network pods. We thank you, as we move into this next year for continuing to help the Love City Community Network expand disaster resilient communication services on St. John and deliver on our promise to provide disaster-resilient communications for our first responders, aid organizations, businesses and island residents in a matter of days not weeks or months.

We are a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN: #82-3341758 all contributions are tax-deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for donations.