Handy Helping Hands

Hi, I'm Kim Pullen, co-founder of Handy Helping Hands, a service organization birthed in the shadow of COVID-19.

How It All Started

When my husband, Russ, lost his job as a personal trainer due to the pandemic, he immediately reached out to former clients to see if they needed any repairs or maintenance done around their home. It turned into a full-time job!

While many of them needed services like pressure cleaning, painting, gutter cleaning, trimming trees, and minor carpentry, some couldn't afford to pay full price because of their own financial hardships, and they refused to let Russ do it for free. So, they bartered for reusable items and sometimes, even brownies! 

Word spread and by November 2020, Russ had already impacted dozens of lives helping the disadvantaged, the elderly, and the handicapped. But he wanted to do more...

That's when he dreamed up the idea of opening the Handy Helping Hands Thrift Shop to work in partnership with his service organization so many more people could be helped. 

Who Benefits

Not only would the financially-challenged be able to have basic maintenance and repairs completed in and around their home, they could also maintain their dignity by "paying it forward," donating re-saleable items to the thrift shop or volunteering in the store.

We hope to also bridge the generation gap by utilizing the energy and vigor or our local college and high school students with the experience and wisdom of our elderly community to create a circle of service where giving and receiving work hand in hand.

Ready, Set, Launch!

We found the perfect location for the thrift shop near Downtown Franklin, but such an endeavor takes more than one dreamer! It takes generous individuals like you!

The Apostle Peter said, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms" (1 Peter 4:10).

As we pursue launching our thrift shop in early February 2021, we pray that you would be willing to use the financial gifts God has given you and partner with us to faithfully serve those in need.

Listen to some of the recipients share how Russ' Handy Helping Hands have already changed their lives:

Join us now!


Kim Pullen

Handy Helping Hands LLC

Handy Helping Hands is a start-up. We hope to achieve non-profit status in our first year. To learn more about Handy Helping Hands mission, the 3H Thrift Shop, and see the impact we are making on the community, please go to https://handyhelpinghands.org